- Automating 90% of manual workflows in small biz loan origination

Casca was brought in to automate manual workflows in small business loan origination by replacing the bank’s legacy LOS with a new system.

Community Bank
Commercial Loan Origination


The bank noticed that their small business loan origination process was requiring a lot of manual work, leading to backlogs and unhappy customers. A key pain point was the manual document collection process, which was taking up to 2 weeks to complete.

Within 3 weeks, Casca replaced the bank’s legacy LOS with a new system that automated 90% of manual workflows:

  • loan applications can now be processed end-to-end in 1-4 days
  • document collection was fully automated, with personalized reminders and analysis done by the Casca AI Loan Assistant
  • the bank’s loan officers now have a single view of all customer data, including documents, financials, and credit scores

Additionally, the bank’s product team can now set up a new loan product and origination process (e.g., SBA 7(a) loans) in 30 minutes, without needing to write any code.

What we delivered

  • Casca Loan Origination System
  • AI Document Analysis
  • Casca AI Loan Assistant
of manual work automated
End-to-end origination time
1-4 days
to deploy a full LOS
3 weeks
to set up a new loan product
30 min

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